Protect Your Fertility

If you might want children some day, read this!

Be sure to talk to your doctor and health care team before treatment if you wish to protect your fertility and have a family one day.

Consult your doctor before treatment


“I don’t have to worry about how my treatment affects my fertility because I don’t want to have children right now.”


Cancer treatment can affect a woman’s fertility permanently. If you are considering having children at any point in the future (think ahead ladies!), you should speak with your oncologist and a fertility specialist BEFORE starting treatment to see how you can protect your fertility.

Most women know when they are diagnosed with breast cancer that treatment can affect hair growth and energy levels. Often, women are not aware that treatment can affect their fertility too. Women diagnosed with breast cancer often feel they are rushed into treatment and only find out later that the treatment affected their chances of having a family one day.

That is why you must talk to your doctor and health care team before treatment if you wish to protect your fertility and have a family one day. Discuss your prognosis, the safety of pregnancy after treatment, the possible effects of treatment, and the options for sparing your fertility. During treatment, you should understand what side affects you may encounter and how they affect your fertility. When treatment is complete, it is important to take care of yourself before assessing your fertility and options for pregnancy. Link to our Fertility page to see what you should know during different stages of treatment.

Protecting Your Fertility: Before, During and After Treatment

Louisiana's Young Breast Cancer Survivor Network

Young women with breast cancer face unique issues. And in the South, there are more young women overall facing breast cancer. In Louisiana, young African-American women are significantly more likely to suffer from breast cancer.

That is why SurviveDAT is here. Part of the Gulf States Young Breast Cancer Survivor Network, SurviveDAT's mission is to help improve the quality of life for young breast cancer survivors, as well as their family and friends, by providing continuing resources and support.

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